There’s a trick to a perfect goatee that a lot of guys haven’t learned yet: dry shaving. The idea may sound a little unpleasant at first, but it’s a safe, painless and easy way to define a line between where there’s hair and where there isn’t. The best beard trimmer for goatee maintenance makes dry shaving perfect lines around your facial hair a breeze — and you can get just as close a shave as if you used a razor and shaving cream.
When you try other styles, your goatee trimmer can double as a beard or moustache groomer too. The trick is to buy the right trimmer.
The best beard trimmer for a goatee that I’ve found is much more than a single-purpose gadget. It’s a complete fader, detailer, shaver and trimmer so that your personal facial hair style will always look great — even if you change things up often.
Before finding the right groomer, plenty of guys consider the goatee their least favorite style to maintain because clean lines are nearly impossible. If they can get the sides right, they still couldn’t get it right under the chin. Shaving with a razor doesn’t work because you can never see what you’re doing, and trimming with most groomers doesn’t work either because they don’t get close enough.
See the recommended goatee trimmer now…
What Is A Goatee? We’re All Sort Of Confused
The word “goatee” is often misused. In fact, as I was writing this article, I mostly had in mind facial hair on the chin that’s attached to a moustache. But sometimes the two parts aren’t attached, and sometimes, there’s no moustache at all.
The terms for facial hair are getting all mixed up because they’re misused and reappropriated so much, so let’s do some quick and perhaps controversial defining:
A goatee, according to many facial hair enthusiasts, is hair on your chin but not on your cheeks or upper lip.
A van dyke is the term sometimes used for a goatee that also includes a moustache, but this style is named after a Flemish painter who wore facial hair that included a pointy goatee and a curly handlebar moustache that was separate from the hair on his chin, not a close-cropped attached moustache.
A circle beard is a close-cropped moustache with chin hair.
Confused yet? There are also soul patches, goat patches, chin puffs and a long list of other recently made-up terms.
When you hear people talking about a goatee, understand that we don’t always mean the same thing. You may want to say “goatee with moustache” or “goatee without moustache” if you want to be clear what you’re talking about.
In all these cases, the best beard trimmer for goatee maintenance is a dry shaver that lets you maintain the style you want without hassles.
The Andis Goatee Trimmer Review
Calling this handy, lightweight unit a goatee trimmer doesn’t really do it justice. The Andis Professional 04603 Outliner II Personal Trimmer is a great choice no matter what kind of facial hair style you like. And if you shave your head, it can handle that for you too.
What it does is called dry shaving. That is, it cuts so close around your goatee or other facial hair choice that it’s just as close as a razor shave. It can do that because it has very sharp, close-cutting blades designed for just this purpose.
As a bonus, it’s also a smart choice for manscaping on the rest of your body, including those really sensitive areas that you don’t mention in public. It can handle those without nicks and cuts like you would get from a razor but with a much closer, smoother feel and appearance than other trimmers give you.
In addition, this Andis beard trimmer for goatee and much more is a sleek and lightweight unit, so you can carry it with you when you travel — and your hand won’t get tired or cramped up when you use it for more than just goatee shaping.
If you’ve ever had your goatee trimmed well at a barber shop or salon — or had your hair faded at the edges — you’ve probably had one of these Andis models used on you. They’re popular with professionals because of their long history of dependability and their ability to cut very close.
A Few More Tips About Goatee Trimming
If you want the perfect goatee with a sharp outline, you have to dry shave around the goatee area instead of trying to shave blind with cream all over the place. Any trimmer can knock back the length to your desired number of millimeters — or inches — but most can’t cut a clean line that’s straight, smooth and sharp.
In fact, you may be able to forget the cream altogether. And forget your electric shaver too. Just do your whole face with this Andis trimmer and handle everything at once. For many guys, this single device is all you need.
For close cutting, dependability and sharp lines, the Andis Professional 04603 Outliner II Personal Trimmer is now the only model I recommend. That’s why it’s the best goatee trimmer for guys like me who insist on having a perfect goatee if I’m going to have one at all. Click here to see the price of the recommended Andis beard trimmer for goatee and more…