About This Site

I created Best Beard Ever because it’s hard to find the right equipment, products and advice for maintaining a beard that looks great. Who can you ask? And can you trust their advice?

Whether you like a little stubble or a full, untrimmed beard, you need some things to make it look great. It could be some beard conditioner to keep the hairs manageable and soft or the right razor to define a neckline and clean up stray hairs. Maybe you need the best stubble trimmer to keep things really short and consistent day after day.

My name is Eric Parker, and I’ve had just about every kind of beard. When I let mine get really long, it bothers me that it’s wavy and uneven. When it’s really short, I get ingrown hairs. When I don’t have it at all, however, I sometimes feel naked. You see, having a beard — at least some of the time — is part of being a man. It’s part of my nature, and if you’ve read this far, a beard is probably something you enjoy experimenting with too.

Writing is easy for me, so it makes sense that I would write about being bearded. I actually have two sites about the topic. Here on Best Beard Ever, I focus on products. On my other beard website, Better Beard, Better Life, I focus on high-quality advice that may help you on your bearded journey. Both are in continual development, so neither site is ever a complete resource. Still, there’s a lot of good information both here and there.

I also maintain a few other websites, including:

  • Guy Skin — with useful advice on male skin care products
  • Advice Without Hype — with even more products reviews and advice
  • Clear Your Eyes — about my problems with computer eye strain and chronic dry eye

Explore my sites — and get to know me. I’m a bearded guy most of the time, but there’s also a lot more to learn about me.

Want to comment on something you see on this site or one of my others? It’s always good to hear from you.

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